I just got home from camping for the past couple of days. A bunch of us went up to Ossipee, NH to Whits End Campground. It was a great time, even if the temperature floated around 3 digits for most of it.
Camping always makes me crave BBQ. When at the campground, we mainly stuck to hamburgers and hotdogs, so my appetite for bbq went unrelinquished. So what better to make on a lazy Sunday afternoon? BBQ wings!
The recipe is really simple: wings, and equal parts bbq sauce, brown sugar, and soy sauce. Mix the sauce parts together and mix with chicken. You can either cook right away or allow it to marinate for a short while. When it comes time to cook, simply bake at 350 degrees for an hour, or until the meat is white and juices are clear. And viola! Delish dish and oh so quick!