Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Peanut... Peanut Butter!!

I love peanut butter. And with my increased amounts of work outs, my body has begun to crave it. Isn't it fascinating how your body craves what it needs? Need protein? Body craves peanut butter. I love it. The human body is incredibly intelligent.

This year, the peanut crops did not do as well as expected. Therefore, peanut butter prices have gone through the roof. I've spent many hours consoling my poor mother who complained about her organic peanut butter going from $2.50 to $4.50 in the matter of a week. (I don't blame her for being upset, my father eats about two jars each week!)

Solution to beat the prices? Make your own! I bought a 5 pound bag of shelled peanuts for about $2. This served to make two batches of peanut butter, which is awesome! I also enjoy making my own because I can switch up what I want to put into it. Chocolate peanut butter anyone?

Peanut Butter Recipe
- Peanuts, unshelled

- Honey (optional)
- Salt (optional)

Place peanuts into food processor and hit go.

That's it, honest! Peanuts are naturally oily, so no extra oil is needed. Takes about 5 minutes for it to look like peanut butter. I added a little bit of honey to it, because to me, just peanuts alone was too dry. Feel free to add what you want to make it your own!

Getting crumbly, almost there!

Going for a spin!

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